Sunday, December 15, 2019

If Nothing Else, Do These 5 Things When Job Searching

If Nothing Else, Do These 5 Things When Job SearchingIf Nothing Else, Do These 5 Things When Job Searching14If youve been out of the job market for a while, it can be hard to know where to start to find a new job. In fact, the whole process can landseem quite overwhelming. The truth is, if you break down each aspect of your job search, youll have a new position in no time.Heres how to find a job you love when job searching, in five simple stepsStep 1 Consider your options. Applying to every job you find is the least effective job searching technique. After some serious soul searching about what youd really like to do, look for some companies that align with your career goals. Its also important to determine what type of job will best fit with what you need in terms of work-life balance. Perhaps youd like to work part time or find a telecommuting job while you care for your young children (or an aging parent).Step 2 Do your research.Once youve determined what you want to do and how yo u want your job to fit into your life, you should begin researching companies that fit your requirements. Go through their websites and social media channels, and use Google to find out whatever information you can about them. You might discover that the company offers a liberal telecommuting policy- or even on-site child care. Make a list of about five to ten companies that you would like to work for, and take the time to research them so you have a clearer picture of what they offer- and what you can offer them as a job candidate.Step 3 Create a great job application. Take all the research youve gleaned to create a show-stopping job application. Customize your resume to showcase your strengths as they pertain to this position and the company as a whole. And when you write your cover letter, be sure to personalize it to show why you want to work at this particular job, at this particular company, at this particular time in your life. Most importantly, highlight all of your strength s (from workplace skills to previous work experience to even the winning parts of your personality that make you a great asset to the company) to show why the hiring manager should consider you over any other job candidate.Step 4 Review, review, review.Sure, you spent over an hour writing your cover letter and revamping your resume. But if you think that its error-free, think again. When you pore over each page of text, chances are there is going to be a word missing or a sentence with grammatical errors. Sites like Grammarly can help you proofread your text to make sure that it reads well. A good technique is to get up from your desk and move around for a few minutes after youve finished writing. When you sit back down at your desk, your eyes will be refreshed and ready to spot any potential errors.Step 5 Get connected. Lets say that you have found The One. The one and only job that you want, where you know youd be happy working for years to come. After submitting your application according to the guidelines provided, check within your network of contacts to see if you already know anyone currently employed with the company. You can even go through your LinkedIn and Google+ contacts to find any colleagues in common. You can let them know that youve submitted your application and that you would love for them to put in a good word for you.While job searching can seem overwhelming, it can actually be quite exciting. Deciding what you want- and going for it- can be the first step towards creating an exciting future filled with a better work-life balance.Readers, what are your job searching techniques? Let us know in the comments section below

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